保坂喬子 Motoko Hosaka (Violin, Baroque violin, Viola, Baroque viola)





札幌パシフィック・ミュージック・フェスティヴァル他、多くの青少年プロジェクトに奨学金を得て参加。南西ドイツフィルハーモニー研修生及び契約団員を経てフリーランスとなり、シュヴェッツィンガ―音楽祭、テューリンガー・バッハ週間、バロックフェスト・ザルツブルグ、ザルツブルグ・モーツァルト週間等に出演した他、WDR(西ドイツ放送)、SWR(南ドイツ放送)、Deutschland Radio Kultur等で演奏が度々録音、放送される。

2008年に子供たちの指導を始め、Jugend musiziertでの1等受賞者を多く輩出した他、アンサンブルワークショップ等も積極的に主宰。




She started playing the violin at the age of three and entered the Toho Gakuen Music School for Children at the age of six. She completed her studies at the Toho Gakuen College of Music with a Bachelor's degree. She studied violin, chamber music and early music at the Hochschule für Musik in Trossingen and graduated with a master's degree with highest honors. Completed postgraduate studies in Early Music at the University Mozarteum Salzburg.


Scholarship for the Sapporo Pacific Music Festival and many other youth projects. After her internship and temporary contract at the Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz she performs as a freelance artist at the Schwetzinger Musikfestspiele, Thüringer Bachwoche, Barockfest Salzburg, radio broadcasts by SWR, WDR and others. 

She has been teaching in German music schools since 2008 and has given her many 1st prize winners from the class participating in the competition as well as Jugend musiziert, and she has also directed many ensemble projects. 


Langages: Japanese/German/English


レッスン料金&ルールについて Lesson fees and policies
