加藤陽子 Yoko Katoh (Piano, Music theory)


東京都立小石川高等学校を経て、武蔵野音楽大学ならびに同大学院修了。武蔵野音楽大学福井直秋記念奨学生。ニューヨークのマネス音楽院にてInternational Keyboard Institute and Festivalに参加。これまでにピアノを田中路恵、Dj.ガネヴァ、H.ブラウスの各氏に師事。後進の指導の傍ら、声楽や器楽の伴奏ピアニストととしても演奏活動を行っている。


現在、The Montessori School of Tokyoにてピアノレッスンを担当中。


英国王立音楽検定(ABRSM)ピアノ8級(Distinction), セオリー6級(Distinction)取得。




She earned bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Musashino Academy of Music in Tokyo. She received full scholarship from Musashino and studied with Julia Ganeva, Helmut Braus, and Michie Tanaka. After she graduated, she joined "International Keyboard Institute and Festival" in New York. She is also recognized as a sensitive piano accompanist, giving concerts with a lot of musicians.


Teaching piano at The Montessori School of Tokyo.


ABRSM qualifications: Piano Grade 8(Distinction), Theory Grade 6(Distinction)


Language: Japanese, English

Yoko's SNS

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